Saturday, August 25, 2012

Tool #10!

1. I would make sure that they will use Flickr rather than Google images in order to protect copyright.  If they do need to borrow, they will know they have to cite sources.  Also, they will use internet etiquette for example, using correct grammar, not typing in all caps, and writing appropriate comments.

2. I will use Moving at the Speed of Creativity in order to teach students about being a good digital citizen.  I could do a jigsaw activity to have each of the students learn about one aspect and teach the class what they learned.

3. I will say that even though you are interacting behind a screen, the things you say and do are still affecting others in the same way as if you were saying or doing them in real life.  I would tell them to ask themselves, "would I say this to someone's face, or do this in front of others" before they comment or take action on the internet.

4.  At a parent night!!

Tool #9!

1.  It is important to tie technology to the objective because it makes the lesson more engaging and lets students experience technology they may never have had the chance to use before.  However, it has to be aligned, otherwise it is used only for fun rather than getting them to master the objective.

2. They need to be help accountable because it is a privilege that we get this technology to use.  They need to know that if the equipment is used improperly, they will not be able to use it again.

3. Learning Games for Kids is a great interactive website for students who finish my work early and don't necessarily just want another worksheet to complete.  It rewards learning with more learning but in a very fun way.  TESiBoard will work well for students who were absent or maybe spacing out during the previous class, and need a way to reteach themselves.

4. Both TED and Skype can be used for stations during an interactive research project.  There can be someone on Skype for a group to interview, and there can be a TED talk at another station for students to take notes on.

5. Students can use iPod Touch/iPad to vote!!

Tool #8!

1.  I learned how to turn on the wifi on the iPad, and also how to take notes on the iPad.

2.  I will manage the devices by first going through procedures with the technology.  They are a privilege that we are lucky to have in our classroom, and we have to respect them and use them with care.  They have to pick them up and hold them with 2 hands at all time, they are not to leave the table, and they are to be handled with extreme care.

Tool #7!

a. SWBAT Skype with a classroom in Ecuador and discuss the similarities and differences between the cultures of the US and Ecuador.

b. At the end of my Latin America unit.

c.  I plan on using Skype!

d. Students in each class will prep by answering a worksheet that helps them brainstorm culture in the US.  They will also come up with a class list of the 5 most important questions they have for the Ecuadorian students about their culture. Afterwards, my class will write a compare and contrast mini-essay about the two cultures.

Tool #6!

I will use polleverywhere to keep all of my students engaged and a part of the lesson.  I can use it for checks for understanding throughout my lesson, for example...

I will use Skype to talk with my friend Chris who is a PeaceCorps volunteer (and his host family) in Ecuador, so that they can learn about the culture of a South American country.

Tool #5! is great for student presentations. The students can make a movie of an interview between two important people in history, or have one character telling the other character about the culture of where they are from. is a tool that I can use to make presentations come to life.  It is much more engaging than a powerpoint, and can keep students interest even on a topic that may not be the most exciting.

Tool #4

GoogleDocs is an app that I have used many times throughout college, so it is something I'm very familiar with.  It is a great tool when working with colleagues.  When working with my department, we can all be working on the same document from different parts of the school, which can save a lot of time.

It would be a great tool to use with my class, also, because they can log on and use GoogleDocs just like Microsoft Word.  They can use it to edit their own drafts or their peers' drafts, and they can also make powerpoints for class presentations.  When they share their documents and powerpoints with me, I can access the most recent draft at all times because it saves frequently.

I'm also excited about using GoogleMaps throughout the year in my classroom :)